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Last updated: September 24, 2021 • Traveling Around the World

A Modern Day Alexandria: Ashburn VA, the Internet Nexus

In the second century B.C., the city of Alexandria was considered by most to be the intellectual center of the world. As the capital of Egypt and home of the widely renowned Museion, ancient Alexandria is remembered today for one thing above all else: the Great Library. This vast collection of papyrus scrolls was the largest library in the ancient world and represented the most complete collection of mankind’s collective knowledge. 

Today, knowledge is everywhere. It’s on our phones, on our computers, and on our tablets. It’s accessible by nearly everyone, and information can readily be found on just about any topic. But how does it all work? And, more to the point, what is the modern day Alexandria, where all of this knowledge coincides? That’s what we’re here to find out! 

How does the internet work?

fiber optical network cables

To most people, the internet is a strange, wonderful and completely inscrutable thing. It’s widely used but sparsely understood. Most people have a smattering of knowledge about how it works, but few really understand it on a deep, comprehensive level. That being the case, let’s take a closer look at just how the internet works! 

To boil it down to its most rudimentary form, the internet is an interconnected network of computers, phones, and tablets connected. Network service providers (NSPs) like IBM, BBN, and CerfNet route data to and from your device through infrastructure ranging in size and scale from individual home modems and routers to massive internet exchange hubs. 

While there are a lot of other software and hardware components that affect the transmission of your data, the focus of this article is on network hubs, specifically the one in Ashburn VA. Network hubs are where the bulk of internet transmissions intersect so that they can be transferred to the relevant network and recipient. 

In the United States, over 70% of this data flows through one network hub: the one in Ashburn VA. From a communications standpoint, this makes Ashburn one of the most important locations in the world, functioning as a modern day Alexandria of communication and information. Let’s learn a bit more about this town, shall we? 

Why is Ashburn Virginia special?

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By all appearances, the community of Ashburn VA is not particularly exceptional. It’s a normal place with normal people, all of whom simply go about their daily business without remark. But these people and this place are exceptional. It’s in the homes of Ashburn and under the surface of its earth. These things, or rather a combination of all of them, make it the perfect place for an internet hub.  

Ashburn, Virginia has everything required for this type of data center. There’s an extensive network of fiber optic cable that provides high-speed connectivity to nearby ISPs. There’s an abundance of highly trained government contractors with the skills to run the facility. There’s a high capacity water processing plant to meet the cooling requirements of the facility and much more! 

This really is the perfect place for an internet hub; but what about the community itself? Is Ashburn a good place to live? Is Ashburn a safe place to live? What about the real estate market, and local job opportunities? If you’re asking these questions, you’ve come to the right place; let’s take a closer look at the community of Ashburn VA

The community of Ashburn VA

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Outside of its status as a hub for most of the data traveling through North America, Ashburn VA is known, for the most part, as a normal, quiet community that doesn’t differ very much from any other city in the U.S. You’ll find most of the typical things you’d find in any other American community, and as such it’s a great place to live! Let’s look at what the community has to offer. 

Things to do in Ashburn VA 

Despite its relatively small size, there is plenty to do in Ashburn, Virginia. From indoor ice skating to hiking to historical sightseeing, there’s a little something here for every taste and preference. 

For starters, you could visit the Ashburn Ice House, a completely indoor year-round ice skating rink that hosts hockey games, figure skating competitions and amateur ice skating. Anyone is free to visit, and it’s quite a lot of fun! What’s more, there are weekly free entry days where you can skate without paying a dime! 

Then there’s the abundance of hiking trails in the area; they’re perfect for nature enthusiasts of all ages! First and foremost, there’s the Potomac Heritage Trail, a beautiful, storied trail that showcases local history as well as the vibrant natural scenery. There are also a wide variety of public hiking trails in addition to this one that can be taken free of charge. 

The housing market in Ashburn VA

keys and coins home buying concept

Being a fairly upscale area, it’s no surprise that homes in Ashburn come at somewhat steep prices and hold their value very well. The housing market in Ashburn is a booming seller’s market, as there are droves of people looking to make this area their home. If you want a safe investment and have the money, then Ashburn is a good place to buy a home! 

As mentioned before, the median home price in Ashburn is quite steep, at a hefty median of just over $600,000. Don’t let this deter you though; if you have the capital, you should definitely consider Ashburn as a place to invest. Home prices have done nothing but rising in recent years, and projections show them continuing to increase. 

If you are planning on renting, things aren’t quite as rosy. At a median price of over $1,700 a month, rental apartments and homes in Ashburn are quite costly. If you have the money to spend on a house, it will likely be a better investment to buy rather than rent. Nevertheless, if renting is your only option, the median still comes in well below what you’d expect in other larger communities. 

If you want to make this beautiful community your home, why not contact one of the real estate agents in Ashburn VA? These skilled, experienced realtors will do their utmost to find you a home that suits your needs at the lowest price possible. With a little searching, who knows? Maybe you’ll soon be Ashburn’s newest resident! 

Crime rates in Ashburn VA

hand writing crime rates

If you’re looking for a safe place to raise a family or are simply very safety-conscious, you’ll be glad to hear that Ashburn VA is one of the safest places to live in the entire country! With low property and violent crime rates, community safety is not something you’ll have to worry about if you make it your home. 

With a violent crime rate of only .9 incidents per 1,000 residents per year, Ashburn comes in far, far below the national average of 4 reported incidents per 1,000 residents per year. This is due in large part to the professionalism and commitment of the Ashburn law enforcement community, which has been extremely effective in combating crime. 

Property crime is also virtually non existent, with only 6 reported incidents per 1,000 residents per year, as compared to the national average of 24 reported incidents per 1,000 residents per year. It’s so safe you almost don’t have to worry about locking your doors when you go out! 

The job market in Ashburn VA

tablet computer on a desk

Finally, let’s talk about the job market in Ashburn VA. Due to the presence of the internet hub, the job market typically favors those with certifications in IT related positions such as server maintenance, cybersecurity, and other such specialized workers. Despite this, there is still some demand for unskilled laborers, due to the rapidly growing population. 

Aside from IT-related professions, certified professionals will have little to no trouble finding work in Ashburn VA. Lawyers, doctors, researchers, and other highly skilled professionals will find that there is an abundance of employment opportunities in and around the community of Ashburn VA. With a little searching, you should be able to find a highly paid position. 

For unskilled workers, things may be a bit more tough, but with some searching, you’ll be able to find something that puts food on the table. There are numerous positions available for unskilled workers in and around the community of Ashburn; however, due to the relatively high cost of living, providing for yourself and your family, if you have one, may be a challenge. 


In the information age, the community most comparable to the ancient intellectual center of Alexandria is that in which all online data comes together. In the United States, that place is Ashburn VA. And, even with this honorable distinction, Ashburn is a great place to live, that has plenty of things that might make you want to make it your home. 

We hope you enjoyed this article! If you have any questions or want to leave some feedback on how we can improve our content, please feel free to leave us a comment in the comments section below. As our readers, your input means a great deal to us, and we’d love to hear from you! From all of here at, we hope you enjoy Ashburn!


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