What Is Ashburn Va Known For?
There are a lot of reasons you might be thinking of making the city of Ashburn Virginia your home. The community of Ashburn VA has low crime rates, an exceptionally high median wage, a thriving job market, and excellent rankings when it comes to job availability. But if you’re here, you’re looking for an answer to a question, and that question is this: what is Ashburn known for?
The answer is quite simple: Ashburn is best known as the home of the internet nexus through which over 70% of the data traveling through the US passes on its way to its destination. This data center provides the community with an abundance of jobs as well as an economic boom in the form of population growth and increased development. Let’s take a closer look at this modern marvel, shall we?
The data hub in Ashburn VA
If you’ve ever wondered where your data goes once you press enter, this is it. The data hub in Ashburn VA is something of a modern-day Library of Alexandria, a junction that nearly all informational roads meet sooner or later. It’s the place where communication, knowledge, and everything in between comes together and are sent out to where it is destined to be.
There are a number of reasons why Ashburn was chosen as the home of the data hub. Extensive fiber optic cable infrastructure, an abundance of available water processing capability for cooling, and a professional, experienced workforce are all among those reasons, but the end result is the same: this is a professional Mecca for anyone who works in IT.
If you want to make this delightful community your home, you can do so by contacting one of the top real estate agents in Ashburn VA. These skilled, experienced realtors will have you in a beautiful house of your own in no time! Before you know it, you might just be calling the community of Ashburn home!
Popular Real Estate Questions
Popular Real Estate Glossary Terms
Style of life emphasizing outdoor activities, amenities, and recreation. Example are campers and barbecues. It is usually on a short-term basis. ...
Implied assurance from a landlord to a prospective tenant that an apartment is safe and void of health problems. ...
Same as term financial institutions: Institutions acting as intermediaries between suppliers and users of money. The financial markets are where those wanting funds are matched with those ...
(1) The interest rate charged on a construction loan. (2) The rate at which construction loan progress payments are made. See also bridge loan; bullet mortgage; development loan. ...
Capitalization rate used to convert the expected income derived from a property into its estimated asset value. The estimated asset value may be computed by dividing the annual income ...
Voluntary giving up of a right of a lien, usually on a temporary basis. The waiver may be explicitly stated or implied. An example is when a lender waives its right of lien against ...
Foreign-born individual not qualifying as a citizen of the country in which he or she resides. ...
Activity usually performed by a governmental planning department that makes recommendations for zoning purposes of land utilization based upon demographic and commercial patterns. Land use ...
Federal tax legislation notably establishing 10% withholding on interest and dividends. ...
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