Voluntary Deferral Plan
Vehicle for the deferring of unneeded current income for a later date, such as retirement, providing the following benefits: There is no tax on earnings of the plan until distributed; Employee is able to defer compensation in excess of the amount subject to the limitations of qualified plans since the voluntary plan is a non qualified plan; The amount the employee defers can be matched by the employer; The employer and employee have flexibility in designing BENEFITS and VESTING requirements; The employer can select employees to participate in the plan since it is a non qualified plan and does not have to comply with the antidiscrimination provisions of qualified plans found under the EMPLOYMENT RETIREMENT INCOME SECURITY ACT (ERISA); Life insurance can be used as the funding instrument and, as such,the employer can receive the death benefit, thereby recovering its matching contribution to the plan.
Popular Insurance Terms
In property insurance contracts, provision that states that the violation of one or more contract condition^) at a particular location that is insured will not void coverage at other ...
Insurance that follows an insured property. ...
Value of loss resulting from loss of use of property. For example, a fire damages the structure of business premises and the business loses customer income until it can reopen. The loss in ...
Technique for expressing limits of liability coverage under a particular insurance policy, stating separate limits for different types of claims growing out of a single event or combination ...
transfer of money from or an employer-sponsored pension or other qualified plan into an INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNT (IRA) with out paying tax on the distribution. transfer of money from ...
Type of excess of loss reinsurance in which the insurance company (cedent) cedes its known loss revenues to its reinsurer. ...
Variable-rate bonds whose coupon and value increases as interest rates decrease. ...
Premium that equals the net level premium plus the modification of the net level premium to reflect the cost associated with paying for the first year initial acquisition expenses. The ...
Option under a participating life insurance policy by which the policy owner can elect to have the dividends purchase paid-up increments of permanent insurance. ...
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