Hand Painted Eggs OR Plastic Eggs?

<< Real Estate Social

Mar 23, 2018


Hand Painted Eggs 10
Plastic Eggs 3

Which do you prefer? Vote for your favorite by clicking the image you like and tell us why in the comments below.

Hand Painted Eggs or Plastic Eggs? Which one will your house feature this Easter?

Easter is right around the corner and we want to know: what is your preference when celebrating it? Do you get the kids Hand Painted Eggs OR Plastic Eggs?

Hand Painted Eggs Team will say that there's nothing like putting your artisan skills to the task; that it is a nice therapy, even!

But Plastic Eggs Team will counter by asking " Who has time for that?", plus the mess those eggs can make...

So, tell us: what side are you on?
This Easter, will your house feature Hand Painted Eggs or Plastic Eggs?

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