One-Story OR Two-Story?

<< Real Estate Social

May 31, 2018


One-story 5
Two-story 1

Which do you prefer? Vote for your favorite by clicking the image you like and tell us why in the comments below.

One Story House or Two Story House

Take your pick!

Do you think a Two-Story house is too dangerous for kids and elders? Or even for teens and adults; you don't want to be exposed to liability, right?
And let's not even start with how tiresome is to go up and down those stairs every day, carrying laundry... no, no! Go Team Lazy-- I mean; Team One-Story House!


You do get more space for less, right? You can have a bigger garden and maybe even build something there, like a She Shed. Plus, having your room on the second floor will give you a nice, quieter view from above; have you thought about that? And, lastly, most important: two-story houses are generally seen as more valuable, so how about that for the Team Two-Story house?

If you need more info to make up your mind and your vote, read our whole One-Story House or Two-Story House article! Just don't forget to vote!

image of a real estate dictionary page

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