The candy cane cocktail OR The hot buttered rum

<< Real Estate Social

Dec 11, 2019


Candy Cane 11
Hot Buttered Rum 5

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candy cane or hot buttered rum

The Christmas season brings with it a bevy of parties, gatherings and meetings. Now, these gatherings can be a lot of fun, or they can be a total drag. Now, wherever these gatherings fall on the fun-scale, one thing is for sure; a couple drinks always make a fun party even more fun, and a downer party more tolerable.

Aside from livening up parties, drinking is an integral and well-beloved part of christmas traditions all around the world! From Romania to China to the USA, everyone loves a good hot drink to ward off the wintery cold. Even for those who don’t celebrate the holiday, christmas-themed drinks can be a great way to blend in and enjoy the festive atmosphere.

Now, when it comes to holiday-themed alcoholic beverages, there are a number of popular drinks to choose from. Let’s compare two of the most popular: the candy cane cocktail and the hot buttered rum. Now, both of these will do their job and provide a festive mood for your next Christmas party, but which one you end up ordering depends on your preferences. Do you fancy a minty, creamy cup of refreshing, vodka tinged-goodness? Then a peppermint flavored candy cane cocktail is for you! If you’re craving something a bit more mellow and warm, why not try a hot buttered rum?

Whichever drink you choose, always take precautions to drink responsibly. Pace yourself, stop before you feel sick and NEVER drink and drive. Cheers, and Merry Christmas!

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