Wine cellar vs Luxury closet

<< Real Estate Social

May 29, 2019


Wine Cellar 11
Luxury Closet 13

Which do you prefer? Vote for your favorite by clicking the image you like and tell us why in the comments below.

Would you like to de-stress and have a great time? Here are two options for you. 

The first one is to install a wine cellar or if you already have one, all you have to do is to open a bottle of wine and let Bacchus' liquor to work its magic. In moderation, wine is relaxing and uplifting. Red wine is also good for your heart. A Finnish study published in the Journal of Gerontology in 2007 has revealed that wine drinkers lower their mortality rate by 34%. It also keeps your brain in good shape longer. There are 84 million wine drinkers in the US - a huge market that concentrate its consumption between November and December. According to the Wine Market Council, 26% of the US population drinks wine occasionally (once a week or less often) while 24% are teetotalers. However, wine is a perfect gift for dinner parties or can be used as a cooking ingredient. It is more than just a drink! 

The second option: a luxurious dressing. To fill it, though, you have to go shopping. Shopping sprees are also relaxing and make you feel good for a while. Not only do you get to exercise (if walking can be considered "exercising"), but you also get your hands on fresh items as well as on great deals! If you have little kids don't let yourself become overwhelmed by mom guilt - you're not spending your children's money! Besides, you have to take care of yourself too! But all your new clothes would look great in a luxury closet, correct? You may want to order new closets, a higher shoe rack, improve lighting, and even change the color of the walls! You can even improve the flooring! An eco-friendly choice could be bamboo flooring

Both ideas can increase the value of your property. If in most cases you already have a dressing, for a wine cellar you have to sacrifice a corner of your house. Now, which one would you choose? 

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