Open Policy
Coverage normally used on an indefinite basis under OCEAN MARINE INSURANCE and INLAND MARINE INSURANCE (TRANSPORTATION insurance): business risks for the damage or destruction of a shipper's goods in transit. While the policy is in force, the shipper is required each month to submit to the insurance company reports on goods being shipped to be covered by the policy; premiums are also submitted at that time.
Popular Insurance Terms
Statement by an auditor or certified public accountant indicating if a company's financial statements fairly present its true financial condition. A statement of opinion may be unqualified, ...
Employee's full entitlement, with no waiting period, to benefits under a pension or retirement plan. In the case of a contributory plan, there is immediate vesting of the employee's own ...
Action by the owner of a cash value policy to relinquish it for its cash surrender value. Since the depression of the 1930s, companies have reserved the right to delay payment of a cash ...
Independent agent membership group, originally mutual agents but today open to both mutual and stock agents. Association views are presented both nationally and locally on insurance ...
Possibility of loss associated with water transportation, including hull damage or destruction, cargo damage or destruction, liability to others for bodily injury, and property damage or ...
Model state law of the NAIC setting general standards for group life insurance contracts. It specifies which types of organizations can sponsor group life insurance plans and outlines the ...
Dwelling insurance is how it’s called the most obvious coverage type under the homeowner’s insurance umbrella. It deals with the damages done to the physical structure of the ...
Property coverage for damage or destruction of structures in the course of construction. For example, the standing frame of a house destroyed by fire would be covered. ...
Policy of variable universal life insurance (VUL) under which, if the accumulation of the premiums paid at any point in time (minus policy loans, and withdrawals) equals or exceeds the ...
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