Is Cape Coral FL A Safe City?
The city of Cape Coral, Florida, is home to over 200,000 residents, located in the Southwest of the Sunshine State. Also known for its incredible 400 mile canal system, this city provides a holiday-like lifestyle that attracts more people with each passing year. From many points of view, the city of Cape Coral, FL, is seen as a great place to live. They have a decent school system, great attractions, and a growing job market. But, of course, everyone who is considering relocating to a new city, in a new state or in the state in which they currently live, wants to know if they will be safe in this new city.
In order to answer that question, we’ll have to see what real estate agents in Cape Coral FL have to say about their city. In the following section, we will answer that question by taking a closer look at both property and violent crime rates.
Violent Crime Rates
As for the more dangerous types of crimes, we are going to tackle violent crimes first. Here you’ll get more information about crimes like assault, robbery, rape, and murder. Compared to the average state number of violent crimes, Cape Coral, Florida manages to ensure a higher level of safety for its residents and visitors. With a 1.1 chance of being a victim of a violent crime for 1,000 residents, this coastal town teaches Florida (3.78) a great lesson. The city’s safer than most US cities, reaching far lower averages than the national average.
Property Crime Rates
When it comes to property crime, the rates are higher. Still, they stop below the state’s average. If we look at Florida as a whole, there are 21.46 crimes for every 1,000 residents, but in Cape Coral, that number drops to 11.24. At the same time, Cape Coral’s average property crime rates are far lower than the national average, in the case of vehicle theft being three times safer, and burglary is close to those differences as well.
Overall, we can see a big difference between the state’s and the city’s safety ratings. Cape Coral is a beacon of shining light in Florida and a great investment opportunity. However, those living in Cape Coral tend to consider their city’s western parts safer, while the southeastern areas are considered more at risk when it comes to personal safety.
Popular Real Estate Glossary Terms
Style of life emphasizing outdoor activities, amenities, and recreation. Example are campers and barbecues. It is usually on a short-term basis. ...
Implied assurance from a landlord to a prospective tenant that an apartment is safe and void of health problems. ...
Same as term financial institutions: Institutions acting as intermediaries between suppliers and users of money. The financial markets are where those wanting funds are matched with those ...
(1) The interest rate charged on a construction loan. (2) The rate at which construction loan progress payments are made. See also bridge loan; bullet mortgage; development loan. ...
Capitalization rate used to convert the expected income derived from a property into its estimated asset value. The estimated asset value may be computed by dividing the annual income ...
Voluntary giving up of a right of a lien, usually on a temporary basis. The waiver may be explicitly stated or implied. An example is when a lender waives its right of lien against ...
Foreign-born individual not qualifying as a citizen of the country in which he or she resides. ...
Activity usually performed by a governmental planning department that makes recommendations for zoning purposes of land utilization based upon demographic and commercial patterns. Land use ...
Federal tax legislation notably establishing 10% withholding on interest and dividends. ...
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