Leverage In Real Estate Investing
Use of other people's money (OPM) in an attempt to maximize the return but at high risk. The use of leverage in real estate investing is a way to maximize yield on a small down payment. When building real estate wealth, leverage helps one grow fast without extreme risk. High-leveraged investing in real estate is particularly beneficial in a highly inflationary environment. The best scenario is when property values increase on their borrowed fund. Property values can also decrease such as that which occurred in California in the early 1990s. A risk is negative cash flow in which income from highly leveraged property may be inadequate to pay operating expenses, interest, and principal.
Popular Real Estate Terms
Notice sent from a plaintiff to a defendant requiring the defendant to appear before a court or judge. For example, a landlord might send a summons to a tenant regarding a notice of ...
Considering future occurrences that may possibly arise. ...
The most common definition of economies of scale refers to the decrease in production costs of a single item due to a business enterprise’s expansion. In short, mass production can ...
Loan that allows the borrower to pay only the interest for the first few years of the loan. ...
“What is Rent Control?”, you ask.Rent Control is how some governmental policies that prevent the Landlord from abusively raising the rent are called in the real estate ...
Study of real estate activities including demand, price, location influence, and current trends. ...
Insurance coverage against specified losses that arise from the dishonest acts or defalcations of employees. This bon may be applied to persons or positions. ...
Portion of a construction loan withheld by a lender from a contractor until all construction work is satisfactorily completed or sufficient space is rented in a floor loan. The holdback ...
Land zoned for industrial use including manufacturing, factory office and warehouse space, research and development. ...
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