Is Humanity Enough To Handle Crisis And Serving People In Need?

Definition of "Is humanity enough to handle crisis and serving people in need?"

Humankind confronted various crisis situations during their long existence. We must never forget and learn from the greatest catastrophes we endured. Remember the ice age, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, nuclear disasters, and the 80s! The most optimistic (or skeptical) would retort. “But, we’re still here and will remain intact in the face of significant future adversities. Bruce Willis will save us anyway.”

We strive to answer the following burning questions.” Which are the most imminent crisis situations we, Earthlings, must face? Considering our limited natural resources, is our come-what-may optimism well-founded? 

The greatest crisis humanity has to face

We won’t go as far as covering distant future catastrophes, such as gamma-ray bursts triggered by star explosions and resulting in the total destruction of our ozone layer. Most probably, the closest and impending difficulty we must address is the present housing crisis. However, professional local real estate agents can offer a viable solution if you find yourself in this position.

Natural disasters

Unfortunately, scientists predict (relying on complex data) a series of natural disasters endangering our lives during the following decades. Wildfires (see the infamous fires in California) will be a recurrent event. We must take precautionary measures as they can drastically affect our health, environment, and economy. 

Earthquakes are the primary source of our concerns.

The so-called “Megathrust Earthquake” of Chile of 2014 is predicted to wreak havoc and relieve additional tension till 2065! Then, earthquakes facilitate volcanic eruptions. For instance, the Tohoku earthquake of 2015 prompted further seismic activities, keeping the meteorological agencies on their toes. 

Violent ground shakings can also trigger tsunamis. As a matter of fact, the Oregon Seismic Safety Policy Advisory Commission has forewarned Americans about a high-magnitude earthquake and the ensuing tsunami. These two catastrophes will likely occur off the coast of Oregon in the not-too-distant future! 

Additional natural threats are the “Californian Big One” and solar storms hitting our planet in the next three years.

How to implement protective measures against natural disasters?

Reliable technology predicting natural disasters, broadcasts, and devising safe shelters and bunkers can provide a line of defense for humanity’s survival. 

Suppose you currently reside in one of the cities prone to natural disasters. Then, your safest bet to fend off such catastrophes is by moving to one of the safest places from natural disasters

Environmental concerns

The news that our current lifestyle is terrible for the environment shouldn’t come as a big surprise. Statistics underline that we can’t help abusing our natural resources. For instance, we still consume much more water than we actually need. 

By leaving waste behind us, we commit a double crime against nature. Firstly, we throw our waste and garbage away, thus damaging our environment. Did you know that we produce 12,500 tons of solid waste daily and 2.6 trillion pounds of trash annually? The greatest problem is plastic, which decomposes between a hundred and one thousand years. 

Humans take too much from nature and give little back.

In excess, we benefit from natural substances and materials (for example, water, forests, and fertile land) without giving anything back to mother nature. Simultaneously, we can’t comprehend the most logical solution. Before throwing anything out, we are supposed to ask ourselves: can we reuse and recycle anything? A praiseworthy example of this is how eco-conscious people strive to disguise waste as fashion trends.

Let’s cut our food waste!

When a significant chunk of the world is starving, developed countries still produce substantial household food waste. The solution should be repurposing scrap food (the food that we don’t use when cooking or we would throw out.) Thus, nothing goes to waste!


Ironically, a significant portion of the most imminent threats humankind will have to deal with in the future are caused by ourselves in the present. We are still turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to environmental issues. Besides, we ignore keeping our waste management under tight control as natural resources run low. At the same time, the solution is only at arm’s length from us: recycle, reuse, reduce!

In order not to end this article on a bitter note, we must highlight humanity’s ability to change. For example, most world leaders signed the electric and CO2-emission-free cars law to implement sustainable green car energy worldwide.

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