Bubble Bath OR Shower?

<< Real Estate Social

May 24, 2018


Bubble Bath 5
Shower 0

Which do you prefer? Vote for your favorite by clicking the image you like and tell us why in the comments below.


Which gives you the best bathing experience?

Do you feel clean after you take a bubble bath? Or do you hop in the shower afterward so you don't "miss a spot"?

Can you sing in a bath or is that a shower only thing? 

On the ecology realm, Team Bubble Bath will say that they are saving water, but Team Shower will counter that the bubbles might not be that eco-friendly...

Team Shower will ask " Who has time for a bubble bath, anyway?" and Team Bubble Bath will say: "well, who has time to vote on this Or that polls? And yet here we are..."

So, just cast your vote and let's settle the fight between Shower and Bubble Bath!


image of a real estate dictionary page

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