Local Realtors In Warwick Rhode Island

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Cities near Warwick RI, covered by our real estate professionals
Located only 12 miles away from downtown Providence, the city of Warwick, Rhode Island is known for its saltwater attractions as it is located close to the shoreline of the Atlantic Ocean. However, the water it has direct access to is the Providence River. Greenwich Bay is another great attraction for the residents of the city as the Potowomut River Shellfish Management Area and the Jenny’s Creek Shellfish Management Area are both amazingly protected areas for marine wildlife.
Housing Market in Warwick, Rhode Island
With a median home value of $329,000, the city of Warwick, Rhode Island has a healthy real estate market that keeps visitors browsing. While real estate agents in Warwick RI are dealing with a seller’s market right now, the sale-to-list ratio isn’t big. Homes generally sell for 100.32% above the asking price but that is a small and insignificant gap. Most realtors in Warwick RI try to sell properties as soon as they can, but on average homes stay on the market for 54 days before they are sold.
As mentioned above, this city is predominantly made up of single-family detached communities. In fact, according to real estate agents in Warwick RI, approximately 73% of housing is single-family homes. There are around 17% of units in apartment complexes, 7% in small apartment buildings and 3% are townhomes. Less than 1% of housing is mobile homes. The difference in pricing can be big if you want a home with 5 or more bedrooms as there aren’t many available and those that are, tend to be on the pricier side. However, around 73% of all available housing in the city is priced between $138,000 and $415,000. You’d better get in touch with realtors in Warwick RI to help you navigate this strong seller’s market with more ease.
Job Market in Warwick, Rhode Island
Based on the 2019 information we have access to, the median household income in Warwick, Rhode Island is $74,000. Based on the information we gathered from our real estate agents in Warwick RI, the median income has been on the rise lately, growing by a 4.63% annual growth between 2018 and 2019.
There aren’t big differences in wages based on racial or ethnic background, and even the occupations and industries are evenly evaluated when it comes to incomes. For example, the highest-earning occupations don't have big differences in income median. The health diagnosing, treating practitioners and other technical occupations are the highest paying jobs in the city with median earnings of $73,000. Still, computer and mathematical occupations get median earnings of $73,000 as well.
When they looked at industries, realtors in Warwick RI noticed that the difference increased slightly. While most employees work in the health and social assistance industry, the highest-paying industry is utilities with median earnings of $88,000. Up next, real estate agents in Warwick RI noticed that public administration provides a median income of $63,000, followed by finance and insurance with median pays of $62,000. There still are some differences but this can also come from the level of specialization in those industries.
Living in Warwick, Rhode Island
Keeping up with a city located so close to the state’s capital might be a lot easier than you originally thought. Realtors in Warwick RI can tell you all you want to know about their city and you can easily contact them with the contact information they provide above. The city of Warwick, Rhode Island provides a quiet community for people to raise their families and enjoy rich vegetation and water-related activities. Whether you recently retired or you want a relaxing atmosphere to raise your family in peace, real estate agents in Warwick RI can show you which areas of the city fit best for you. Whether you’re into water-related pastime activities and are considering purchasing a boat, or like a bigger expanse of privacy, different parts of the city can supply different needs based on what you are looking for. Without realtors in Warwick RI you might not know which way to look, but they can help you out with focusing on the areas that will work best for you, your family and your needs.