Intergovernmental Pools
Tool of risk management used for risk financing by local governments. The technique is for many local governments to combine resources in order to self insure a particular line of business, such as general liability, automobile, and workers compensation. Above the retention level, there is the collective purchase of reinsurance for the required excess coverage.
Popular Insurance Terms
Soliciting of customers for the purchasing of an insurance product. ...
Theory, named after the British economist John Maynard Keynes, that deals with current consumption at the expense of saving. This theory has important implications for life insurance ...
Information needed for underwriting a life insurance policy, such as an applicant's age, weight, height, and build; personal and family health record; occupation; and personal habits. These ...
Disability in which a wage earner is forever prevented from working because of injury or illness suffered. ...
Single contract coverage on a group basis issued to an employer. Group members receive certificates as evidence of membership summarizing benefits provided. ...
Insurance under the personal automobile policy (pap) through a named non owner coverage endorsement offering protection for liability, uninsured motorists, and medical payments to a named ...
Modifications of the traditional defined benefit plan in which employees are credited with a specified percentage for each year of recognized service with the employer. Upon termination of ...
Coverage for a bank in the event of loss due to dishonest acts of its employees or individuals external to the bank. For example, if a teller goes to Mexico with the bank's money, the bank ...
Individuals or organizations covered by property and liability insurance other than the named insured. For example, under the personal automobile policy (pap), other insureds under Coverage ...
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