Wellness Program
Employee benefit program that emphasizes the pursuit of a lifestyle that minimizes the occurrence of sickness through an organized program of preventive medicine. Such a program includes screening for high blood pressure, obesity, breast cancer, and stress; a smoke-free workplace; a systematized exercise and fitness approach for general health; and training and education programs for employees concerning proper nutrition, stress management, weight control, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and prenatal care.
Popular Insurance Terms
Table used, among other purposes, to determine monthly Social Security benefit for a retired or disabled worker and his or her dependents. The average monthly wage (AMW) of the worker is ...
Unfriendly fire not confined to its normal habitat. For example, fire in the fireplace leaps onto the sofa. Property contracts protect against damage from a hostile fire, not from damage ...
Performance of managerial and clerical functions related to an employee benefit insurance plan by an individual or committee that is not an original party to the benefit plan. In selecting ...
Partial payment of medical service expenses required in group health insurance, in addition to the membership fee. For example, for each visit of a physician a member may be required to pay ...
Coverage if a lawyer's professional act (or omission) results in the client inflicting bodily injury or property damage to another party, or if personal injury and/or property damage is ...
Personal and family loss by death, disability, sickness, old age, accident, and unemployment. All of these exposures are insurable, and coverage's can be purchased under a variety of ...
Method for triennial examination of insurance companies as established by the national association of insurance commissioners (NAIC). Teams are composed of representatives from several ...
Property and/or liability coverage for a municipality. Municipalities are responsible for maintenance of through ways as well as a myriad of public services. Liability insurance for ...
Monetary value of the reputation of a business. Goodwill is an intangible asset and thus may be difficult to measure. ...
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