Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA)

Definition of "Standard metropolitan statistical area (SMSA)"

Brad & Jennifer  Corekin real estate agent

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Brad & Jennifer Corekinelite badge icon

Keller Williams The Woodlands & Magnolia

Area or county used in the census or other data gathering functions that has a population of 50,000 inhabitants or more.

Comments for Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA)

Pam Pizzo Pam Pizzo said:

What does SMSA mean? Is there some kind of a fee or license number?

Dec 07, 2023  15:23:20

Real Estate Agent

Hello Pam, thank you for contacting us!

The US Census Bureau coined the term "Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area" to determine geographic areas for collecting and publishing statistics.
As for fees or license numbers associated with SMSA, it depends on the industry or regulatory body involved. For example, suppose you're referring to a professional license or certification. In that case, you may need to contact the relevant licensing board or organization for specific information on fees and license numbers. You should check with the appropriate government agency if it's related to a government or administrative process.


Dec 15, 2023  05:15:48
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