What Is A High Yield Savings Account?

Definition of "What is a high yield savings account?"

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Let’s face it; the current challenging financial times (we blame you, inflation and recession) make it almost impossible to get by. Everybody is looking for alternative solutions to make ends meet, be it an extra job or maximizing their passive income. 

You might ask yourself how savings accounts work and if it is worth your trouble. You might also have been informed that most savings accounts don’t pay much due to low-interest rates. We’re here to assist you in discovering the advantages of high-yield savings accounts available in the US. So fasten your seatbelts!  

Short-term vs. long-term investments

Depositing your money in a savings account is ideal for various purposes, like saving money for a down payment, healthcare services, retirement plans, or even a vacation. On the one hand, you can boost the funds in your savings account. On the other hand, you must be aware that not even the most spectacularly high-yield savings account will get you a fortune because they’ve been designed for short-term goals and quick transactions. 

To reach a long-term objective with a more significant ROI, we recommend opening a money market account instead of a traditional one. Secondly, you can dip your toes into stocks, bonds, and real estate (as in recession-proof investments.) 

Why are high-yield savings accounts so trendy?

Typically online banks offer a high-yield savings account. As its name indicates, a high-yield account provides a higher interest rate than your average savings or checking account. These accounts give a competitive annual percentage yield (APY.) Therefore, your savings can grow more visibly compared to standard savings accounts. 

Did you know that the average savings account interest rate rarely climbs higher than one percent in the States? Now, high-yield savings accounts have the potential to generate significantly more interest (or passive) income with interest rates ranging from 0.50 percent to two percent or higher.

Which are the most excellent perks of high-yield savings accounts?

Undeniably, the most essential advantage is the higher interest rates. By choosing a high-yield account over regular savings or a checking account, you can make your money work harder and improve your earnings over time. Moreover, your deposited money will benefit from compound interest daily or monthly! Due to the compound interest, your initial deposit and any interest earned will generate additional interest.

Secondly, FDIC ensures high-yield savings accounts in the maximum amount of $250,000 per depositor. In a nutshell, your money and funds will be in complete safety. Additionally, many high-yield accounts provide easy access to your money through online and mobile banking. How convenient is that?

Thirdly, you don’t require a minimum balance to open a high-yield savings account! In other words, you can start saving with any amount. For this reason, many individuals and starter investors genuinely liked these accounts. Fourth, you can access your funds without penalties or restrictions. 

Which are the top high-yield savings accounts in the US?

Locating the most profitable high-yield savings account requires meticulous online research. Let us recommend a couple of the most notable top earners!

Discover Bank's Online 

Discover Bank's Online offers a competitive APY, currently at 4.15 percent (which can change over time!) One of the highest-yield savings accounts provides its customers with reliable online and mobile banking tools to easily manage their funds. Monthly fees and minimum balance requirements won’t bother you! Discover Bank has established a solid reputation in terms of first-class customer service and consistently competitive rates,

Ally High-Yield Savings Account 

Our second pick is Ally High-Yield Savings Account at Ally Bank. With a competitive annual percentage yield (currently at 3.75 percent), this account offers high-interest rates and user-friendly features. Would you benefit from 24/7 customer support, no monthly maintenance fees, secure online banking options, and links to multiple external accounts? Then, Ally Bank delivers! 


Without a single doubt, high-yield savings accounts are one of the best earners for your money. However, don’t expect a substantial passive income for your money! First and foremost, we recommend you investigate various online platforms to check competitive interest rates and low fees. 

Remember to set up regular funds transfers once you have opened a high-yield savings account! How do you go about it? You can move money from your checking to your savings account to guarantee consistent contributions. This way, you can boost your funds which will earn more interest.

High-yield savings accounts can help you unlock your financial freedom!

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