Are New Homes Built Better Than Older Homes?

Definition of "Are new homes built better than older homes?"

Tina  Dillon real estate agent

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Tina Dillonelite badge icon

Howard Hanna Real Estate Services

If you are on the brink of making a home purchase, you probably wonder what you should buy? Nowadays, the real estate market offers various home types, from single-family and townhomes to condos and apartment complexes. However, these days, homebuyers strafe away from apartment buildings and are more interested in homes with a lot of space. One of the main dilemmas faced by home buyers has less to do with what type of home and more to do with the choice between new homes vs. older homes. We are here to solve that dilemma and find out if new homes are better built than older homes.

With the coronavirus outbreak, many people do their best to keep the Covid-19 out of their homes, and in real estate, that translates to a higher demand for homes with a lot of space. Here is where old homes triumph because back in the days, land costs were a lot lower than today. Because land was cheaper and lot sizes were larger, builders would place a home and leave some room to accommodate garages on alleys.

You would often hear people say that “They don’t make homes like they used to.” Some older homes stood for decades or even centuries and faced many storms. Older homes were built by genuine craftsmen and with meticulous attention to detail. In this regard, many might argue that older homes have a better foundation and structure compared to newer homes that are built at a faster pace and lack the quality of materials.

There is also aesthetic value to an older home compared to modern ones—many value older houses for their character present in the building’s architecture. Popular styles at the time ranged from Victorians, Greek Revivals, Colonials, and Tudors. Older homes feature an abundance of architectural features such as arches, hand-crafted decorative features, and stained-glass windows.

Built better doesn’t mean that maintenance is not required both for older and newer homes. However, for older homes, you might have to put more effort into maintaining them compared to more recent constructions. There is always something to fix, and stone foundations along with chimneys require tuckpointing. Keep in mind that floors may slope, and therefore, many investors might consider new constructions a better investment option.

With new homes, there is less maintenance you have to do, and since code regulations change frequently, consumer safety issues are being addressed for new construction to make them conform to current building codes. On the other hand, the drawback of new construction compared to older homes is the settling. Regardless of the type of soil upon which it was built, settling can cause cracks in the walls, door frames, and foundations. Even though homeowners are insured, builders may be slow to respond to warranty repair requests.

Regardless of your preference in terms of homes, you should always find a real estate agent before deciding upon a home purchase. They can point out some of the best properties in the area you are interested in making a purchase, regardless if they are old or new.

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