Definition of "Is Boca Raton a rich area?"

Kenyatta  Lewis-White real estate agent

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Kenyatta Lewis-Whiteelite badge icon

Clark Premier Realty Group

The city of Boca Raton is located on Florida’s southeastern edge, with Fort Lauderdale and Miami to the south and West Palm Beach to the north. As the most populous part of Florida, the southeast’s development can be seen on every corner of these cities, including Boca Raton, which is considered a great place to live. There are many things that Boca Raton is famous for, and there are several nicknames that the city developed over the years. Once you become familiar with these nicknames, you’ll get the answer to the question, at least in part.

Boca Raton Nicknames

The two most famous and well-known nicknames are the following: The Playground for the Wealthy and The Beverly Hills of Florida. Walking around the city or even reading about it, you’ll get familiar with the reasons behind both of these nicknames, which, in all honesty, leads one to believe that Boca Raton is a rich area. The thing is, that statement can not be contradicted. The truth of the matter is that, yes, the city of Boca Raton is a rich area, playground for the wealthy, and all of the above. What is important to note, however, is that there is a reason for that.

How did Boca Raton wound up with those Nicknames?

We mentioned the city’s development. During the city’s early beginnings, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, people traveling through the area by road or train noticed the mild weather, the geolocation’s hurricane limitations and were attracted to it. As the first settlements are dated back to 1895, and the city was incorporated in 1925, that period was the start of the city’s particular kind of development. 

With Addison Mizner, the architect, the idea of a resort city began. One of his quotes regarding this city describes his dream as “a new exclusive social capital”. The exclusivity part is what started it all. The city imagined by him was translated into $5 million stocks, out of which only $500,000 were available for the average Floridian. This started a specific trend. 

Fast forward to the late 1960s when IBM founded a manufacturing plant in the area. By 1984 the plant became the largest employer of Palm Beach County, and it is also the place where Bill Gates sealed the deal for the first-ever personal computer.

The end result of the entire city development was first generations that came from wealth, then later generations that moved there for the technological advancements. The city is a combination of both old money and new money, while families from more modest backgrounds can get access to high earnings and a chance at the American dream. Don’t let the relatively high cost of living deter you. Finding your own piece of that dream isn’t as difficult as one might expect, and by contacting real estate agents in Boca Raton FL you increase your chances tenfold.

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