Is Boca Raton A Good Place To Live?
Boca Raton is a town located in Palm Beach County, South Florida with an estimated population of 99,224 according to the most recent United States census done in 2019. The city of Boca Raton is located by the beachside, it has a lot of restaurants,coffee shops, parks and has an urban feel to it and most of its residents own their homes. Boca Raton is part of Miami metropolitan area and housing is an important part of it, so if you have consider relocating, would Boca Raton be a good place to live in?
What are the costs of living in Boca Raton?
The costs of living in Florida are pretty close to the national average, however, Boca Raton is one of the wealthiest communities in Florida, being located about 43 mile away from Miami it is a main city that is part of the Miami Metropolitan. The cost of Living for Boca Raton is at 128 units which places it at about 28 units above the national average and therefore the city has an approximately 28% higher cost of living that the national average and the average of Florida state. Important to notice that price index shows the most expensive parts of living in Boca Raton are transportation and housing with average home prices 30% higher than the average prices for housing in Florida. For the best housing deals in Boca Raton make sure you reach out to any of our real estate agents in Boca Raton FL to help you find the best home for you and your family.
What kind of climate does Boca Raton have?
Boca Raton is a coastal destination and it has a great year-round climate, it’s subtropical climate and the average annual temperature of 77F make it the perfect destination for people who love warm winter seasons and the hot, sunny summers. Boca Raton has an average low-temperature of 57°F and it is the perfect climate for people who love the beach and warm weather all year-round.
Is Boca Raton a safe place to live in?
The town of Boca Raton is also a safe place to live in given the fact that it has a 38% lower crime rate than the rest of Florida. That makes it a perfect place to study, raise a family and work without worrying for your own safety and that of your family. You have guaranteed high security levels throughout all aspects of your life.
Boca Raton schools
Boca Raton offers good education for anyone interested in learning and acquiring more knowledge. The city of Boca Raton is well known for their top rated universities and colleges as well as A graded public and private schools. There is a high rate of success amongst graduates and the school system provides top education and a proper learning environment combining it with physical and extracurricular activities. Their highly rated schools attract more people in the town, and that also determines an increase in prices for both rental and housing.
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