Definition of "Is McKinney TX Safe?"

Of all the things you’ll probably wonder about when moving to a new city, the one at the top of the list will likely be its safety. Whether you have a family or not, keeping yourself and your loved ones safe is most people’s first priority, after all. Now, if you’ve found your way to this page, chances are you’re considering a move to McKinney, and you’re wondering about this very thing. 

If this is your situation, you’ll be happy to find out that McKinney Texas has excellently low crime rates across the board, both concerning property crime and violent crime. If you choose McKinney as your new home, you can rest assured that you, your loved ones and your property are safe and out of harm’s way. 

Crime rates in McKinney Texas

The violent crime rate in McKinney is among the lowest of all the cities in the state at an impressive occurrence rate of 1.5 incidences per 1,000 residents. Compare this to the average for the state of Texas at 4.11 incidences per 1,000 residents and you can easily see why this city is considered so safe! 

Property crime in McKinney is also uncharacteristically low, with only 10.5 incidences per 1,000 residents, as compared to the Texas average of 23.6 incidences per 1,000. Both of these figures indicate one thing: McKinney TX is an exceptionally safe town, and its residents need not fear crime, unlike residents of many other cities in Texas, such as Houston. 

Having all these said, McKinney Texas is a good place to live and if you are considering moving to this beautiful town, why not get in touch with one of the top real estate agents in McKinney TX? These skilled realtors will help you find a listing that is right for you, and get you relocated in no time flat! 

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