Is It Bad Luck To Live Near A Cemetery?

Definition of "Is it bad luck to live near a cemetery?"

A home purchase is never an easy decision to make, especially since a lot of money is being invested. During the home buying process, the location plays a crucial part that influences the home buyers’ decision. Once you move into your new home, chances are you are going to spend most of your life living there.

 Many think about whether they would enjoy the quiet rural living, the vibrant urban environment, or the sprawling suburbs that offer both of the best worlds. However, not many would consider the option of living near a cemetery. But, what exactly is pushing people away from living in the proximity of a graveyard? Is there any bad luck associated with living near a cemetery?

Many people who had the opportunity to live near a cemetery say that it is quieter than most places. It might prove to be too quiet since most people come from areas with constant traffic noise or had close neighbors. By living in the proximity of a cemetery, you don’t have to worry about being a good neighbor because chances are there aren’t many neighbors around.

Many people see cemeteries as an excellent place for walking your dog or jogging, and the well-maintained lawn makes it quite a nice hangout. Some cemeteries might lack lighting, and in the evening, they could get dark, but other than that, there aren’t many negative things about living near a cemetery.

Superstitions, hauntings, or bad luck

Frequently you will run into people living near a cemetery that are positive enough to make jokes about home buyers “dying to move in next door.” However, people have some cemetery superstitions, which can make them hesitant to relocate to the area. Some superstitions are culturally influenced. You will often see Indian and Asian families not wanting to live near a cemetery due to bad luck being associated with it.

On the other hand, rumors of hauntings can throw off many home buyers who thought about living in areas like this. Even if they are just rumors, it influences home buyer behaviors and lowers the pool of people who would consider purchasing a property in the proximity of a cemetery.

Even though you don’t get to witness funeral services and mourning people every day, it could negatively impact the psyche, especially for optimistic people that think positively all the time. To avoid being in a bad mood because of funeral services, many people would avoid living near a cemetery.

Many superstitions or bad luck associated with living near a cemetery has to do with religious beliefs. On the other hand, the movie industry often uses death in association with cemeteries to depict horror scenes, creating fear related to living near a cemetery.

The truth is that many of the residential properties near the cemetery are very peaceful places that offer a one-of-a-kind living experience that has nothing to do with bad luck, hauntings, or anything of the sort. Many cemeteries have a stunning view because there is so much greenery and trees around.

Suppose you never considered the alternative of living near a cemetery. In that case, you should probably find a real estate agent and learn more about the excellent living conditions in the proximity of a cemetery. 

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