Unable to sell an investment to obtain cash in the short-term without incurring A significant loss. Real Estate is typically not liquid because of the inability to sell property to raise cash quickly.
Popular Real Estate Terms
Short-term loan that is made to bridge the term between the end of one loan and the beginning of another. ...
Fee paid only if other criteria are met. ...
Also called Consumer Credit Protection Act of 1969 or Regulation Z. A federal statute protecting buyers. The key provision is that both the dollar amount of finance charges and the annual ...
Increasing tax rates with increasing levels of taxable income. ...
Person leaving from work to spend time in leisure activities. pay in full the balance on a debt either at or before the maturity date. Penalties may be assessed on prepaying a mortgage. ...
Demolition and removal of all existing structures on a building site and the subsequent construction of a totally new building structure. For example, in a downtown redevelopment project, ...
Process of the borrower giving the lender security to obtain the loan. ...
Amount subject to depreciation, which equals the initial cost less the estimated salvage value. ...
Measures looking at the past, current a future direction of the economy. They may have an impact on the real estate market. Each month government bodies, including the Federal Reserve ...
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