Definition of "Personality"

Karol Flannery real estate agent

Written by

Karol Flanneryelite badge icon

Bentley's Real Estate

person's behavior partly genetic and partly learned through experience over time. Some people have good personal traits while others have poor ones.

Comments for Personality

JoAnn Petrizzo JoAnn Petrizzo said:

What does the term personality mean in a real estate contract

Jun 09, 2021  07:08:32

Real Estate Agent

Hey JoAnn! Thank you for reaching out to us. The term "personality" refers to the characteristic patterns of feeling, thinking, and behavior of an individual. In relation to the real estate industry, however, the term "personality" does not have a particular meaning or a different role other than its typical definition and meaning.

Jun 11, 2021  07:19:38
image of a real estate dictionary page

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