What Is The Crime Rate In Canton GA?
When searching for a new place to live, there are few things that are likely to concern someone more than safety. How many crimes are committed yearly, per capita? What demographics are most vulnerable to crime? How likely am I to become the victim of a crime? After researching all of these questions, we’ve compiled a list of answers as well as things that you’ll need to consider when interpreting the raw statistics. Let’s get into it!
Violent crime in Canton GA
You’ll be pleased to know that the violent crime in Canton GA is exceptionally low. Violent crime occurs at a rate far, far lower than the national average for the United States. With an occurrence rate of just over one violent crime per 1,000 residents per year, the violent crime rate is just slightly more than one-quarter of the national average.
Property crime in Canton GA
Property crime rates in the city of Canton GA are less impressive, coming in just slightly under the national median at around 23 incidents per 1,000 residents, as compared to the national median of 24. While this is not particularly impressive, it’s worth noting that your risk of becoming the victim of a violent crime can be greatly reduced by observing certain security practices and habits. Things like installing a security system, making sure all the doors and windows on your home close and lock securely, and always making sure that you lock your home after you leave can mitigate this kind of crime almost entirely.
Overall, if you are concerned about personal safety, then you should heavily take into account the low violent crime rates that Canton boasts when considering whether or not you should move here. With such low violent crime rates, property crime rates are somewhat trivial, as these can be minimized by utilizing the methods enumerated above. This of course factors into the average home price; after all, everything comes at a price. The price here, it seems, is a somewhat high average home price.
If you are considering moving to this safe and secure southern town, you’ll need to contact one of the best real estate agents in Canton GA. Once you’ve found the perfect real estate agent for you, you can get started with searching for a new home!
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