What Kinds Of Jobs Can You Find In Fort Washington MD?

Definition of "What kinds of jobs can you find in Fort Washington MD?"

If you go south of Washington D.C. right by the Potomac River you’ll find the unincorporated census-designated area of Fort Washington, MD. With over 24,000 residents, Fort Washington, MD attracts people with its low crime rate, green outdoors, and welcoming small-town feel. Other attributes of this small town are its proximity to other very big cities and its location in the geographical setting.

Job Market in Fort Washington, MD

For those looking to relocate to this historical town, just get in touch with one of our real estate agents in Fort Washington MD. While the median income is significantly higher in Fort Washington, MD than it is in Maryland, real estate in Fort Washington, MD is more expensive but only by 5% than the Maryland average.

You should also take a look at the employment market in the area. It is important to know that the median income per capita in Fort Washington, MD is higher than the national average by 47%. Taking this into consideration, the median household income is also higher than the national average by 88%. This leads to a poverty level that is 65% lower in Fort Washington, MD than the national average.

Many industries are growing and developing in Fort Washington, MD. In regards to employment, Fort Washington, MD experienced a 0.622% increase in workforce between 2016 and 2017. There are certain industries that have had a higher impact on this growth. First of all, we have the Public Administration which employs over 2,500 people and is the second-highest paid industry in Fort Washington, MD with median incomes of $86,000. The second-largest employer in Fort Washington, MD is the Professional, Scientific & Technical Services with over 1,400 people on their pay-roll and is the third-highest paying industry with a median income of $82,000.

Back in 2017, the median household income had been $119,000 with a 1.55% growth from the previous year. In Fort Washington, MD the wage gap is smaller than in other areas. If the average salary for a male employee was $78,000 in 2017, the average salary for a woman had been $61,000.

For those living so close to the nation’s capital, a job in Washington, D.C. might seem like the best idea for you, your family, and your career. However, Fort Washington’s job market is very well developed and competitive with high paying salaries in certain fields. It might benefit you to avoid a 30-minute commute. The great quality of life and available activities makes Fort Washington, MD a great place to live for many other reasons as well.

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