What Is The Cost Of Living In Harrisonburg Virginia?

Definition of "What is the cost of living in Harrisonburg Virginia?"

Katherine  Etheridge real estate agent

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Katherine Etheridgeelite badge icon

Watson Realty Corp.

Harrisonburg locals know they live in a unique, trendy, and sophisticated city while keeping its old-fashioned, small-town charm. The ideal location for raising a family and eventually retiring. According to locals, Harrisonburg will be the last location you will move to since you will never want to leave.


Harrisonburg is located in the heart of the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. With spectacular views of the surrounding mountains, including the Blue Ridge Mountains to the east, which contribute to picturesque sunrises, and the Allegheny Mountains to the west, which contribute to the spectacular sunsets to enjoy every evening. The neighboring mountains encourage an active lifestyle, with several possibilities to enjoy the fresh air and environment.


Harrisonburg's welcoming, small-town ambiance conceals what residents already know. This is a stylish, metropolitan town with outstanding eating, distinctive and eccentric shopping, music, the arts, sports, and so much more.

The cost of living in Harrisonburg, Virginia

Harrisonburg, Virginia, has a 6% cheaper cost of living than the national average. The cost of living in any place might vary depending on your profession, average wage, and the real estate market.

Housing costs in Harrisonburg, Virginia

About 59% of people in Harrisonburg, Virginia, rent, while 41% own their homes. In 2022, the average price of a home in Harrisonburg, Virginia, which is high in the United States but moderate in Virginia, will be $258,798. The average monthly cost of a one-bedroom apartment is $759.

Utilities and transportation in Harrisonburg, Virginia

The prices for utilities in Harrisonburg, Virginia, are 0% lower than the national average. Bus and gas prices are 27% lower than the national average for transportation costs.

Food and healthcare costs

When we talk about food and groceries, the cost in Harrisonburg is 6% lower than the national average. But when it comes to the healthcare department, we can check an increase. Harrisonburg’s healthcare costs are 3% higher than the national average. The cost of healthcare is a significant component of the cost of living. If you move to another state, critical indicators show how much you will pay for essential resources. This includes your ability to afford healthcare and access to care. The rates you must pay for insurance coverage when receiving care are used to measure affordability. Your cost of living will go up if rates are high or you have to pay for things out of your pocket.


Is the cost of living a factor in the crime rate?

The cost of living is a significant factor in the rise in crime. People may resort to criminal activity to survive when they cannot afford basic necessities like food and shelter. This is especially true in impoverished areas with few job opportunities and a high cost of living. To address the problem of high living costs, communities and governments can collaborate to lower crime rates and enhance everyone's quality of life.


Where there is a high cost of living, crime rates are higher. This is because people are more likely to commit crimes when they cannot afford to meet their basic needs. Additionally, because the potential rewards are more significant, criminals may target wealthier areas. Crime rates are affected by living costs. People may engage in criminal activity to survive when they cannot afford basic necessities.


If you are planning on moving to Harrisonburg, Virginia, but are unsure about the cost of living or the activities, or even if this is a safe city, we say you don’t worry. As we saw, this fantastic and stylish city has a low crime rate, and the cost of living is below the national average, so if you are planning to move here, do it, and don’t think about it twice.

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