A Real Estate Agent’s Guide To Using Social Media Effectively

Agent Advice

Written by

Eduardo Albuquerque

Published date:

Updated: Feb 26, 2024 by

sharing social media imageMany real estate agents could tell you, using social media correctly helps you build an impressive following quickly and effectively. While many people don't have the patience to keep up with promoting their page and getting their name out in the open, there are a few ways to get ahead. A lot of social media takes planning and patience, so enter the market with an open mind. Here are a few tips we have regarding the best social media tools for real estate agents.


Create reasonable goals for yourself.

Start off by asking yourself what you want from your profile(s), webpage, or website. Netting clients should be the end goal, but getting to that point requires a bit of legwork. Increase traffic to your page, and work on building a solid reputation for yourself first.


Choosing platforms.

It may seem tempting to put yourself on every possible site, but you're better off picking two to three sites and dedicating yourself to them. Keep your profile clean and clear, and keep it updated with your most recent qualifications, experience and relevant content.

Providing good content is key, position yourself as a credible resource for real estate news in your area, showcasing free tips and tricks will advance your profiles from the typical sales message to a trusted resource. Try to get featured in directories for added traffic, and create a website or landing page that will list your experience and provide a way for prospects to contact you.

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Customize for each site.

Where some sites may be used more for networking between agents, some websites may be used more for marketing yourself to potential clients. Get a feel for each site and its user base, and cater your content to the people you're trying to attract. For example Facebook is a great tool to connect with prospects, while LinkedIn is a great tool to connect with other business professionals and referral partners.


The 80/20 rule.

People don't go online just to be marketed to, and excessive advertising makes your profile seem cold and impersonal.The 80/20 rule refers to the kind of content you post for your site or page(s).

80% of the content should be informational, helpful, and interesting. This directs flow to your page and gets people to keep coming back. Helpful articles also push your site into search results. The other 20% should be promotional work that advertises you and your services, experience, and contact information.


Manage your social media.

While it's not necessary to pour all of your time into social media, dedicate a few hours a week to keeping your sites updated and polished, be sure to check for messages and comments from your network so you don’t miss an opportunity. Write content for blogs, put out articles, and direct clients to your website if they want information about you. A well-managed social media account will give you a professional reputation and encourage clients to use your services.

Don't hesitate to start your adventure on social media. The earlier you get started, the more likely you are to have a following by the end of the year, and it's never too early to start building a reputation online!

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