Savings And Loan Association
Financial institution that channels the savings of its depositors mostly into mortgage and home improvement loans. It concentrates on originating , servicing, and holding mortgage loans. Traditionally, they have been the largest supplier of single-family owner-occupied residential permanent financing, although S&Ls are not limited solely to this type of financing. Savings and loan associations also make home-improvement loans and loans to investors for apartments, industrial property, and commercial real estate. Approximately 40% of the S&Ls are federally chartered, the rest are state chartered. If federal, the association must be a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank System (FHLBS), and its funds must be insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC). All federally chartered S&Ls are mutually owned and the word 'federal' must appear in their title. State chartered S&Ls can be either mutually owned or stock associations. They have optional membership in both the FHLBS and the FSLIC. In some states, these lenders are known as building and loan associations or cooperative banks.
Popular Real Estate Terms
Road or highway acting as a frontage boundary. ...
The willingness of a lender to give a mortgage to a mortgagor. A mortgage commitment will give a time period the mortgage will be given and an indication of the interest rate to be charged ...
Property that is unoccupied and thus not being used. It is usually raw land with no structure or improvements theron. ...
Present worth of the property which is different than the price paid for it or its book value (cost less accumulated depreciation). The current value may be determined through appraisal. ...
See savings and loan association. ...
Oral defamation of the character or reputation of another. It is the basis for a lawsuit. ...
Time it takes to drive to an outlying area form a major urban area. The driving time radius can radically affect real estate values in outlying areas of major metropolitan regions. Unless ...
The term developer’s profit is the actual profit generated by a developer’s project after the costs of the development have been covered. This profit can come from the sale of ...
The meaning of the term tort outlines a wrongful act resulting in injury or damages. For example, trespassing on someone’s private property can end up destroying a part of it. ...
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